Thursday 8 July 2010

another cute things... Purezento

beberapa hari yang lalu gw ke Mall Taman Anggrek berperan sebagai baby sitter 2 keponakan gw. kesananya sih sama kaka gw juga tapi dia sibuk sama BB-nya, terlihat autis sendiri dan anaknya dicuekin sama dia...haha. capek main animal kaiser di timezone *gw gak ngerti itu mainan apa*, akhirnya kita semua makan di McD dan gw melewati booth Purezento. sebelumnya gw emang udah tau sedikit tentang Purezento dan saat liat booth itu gw langsung minat mampir. gw langsung bilang sama kaka gw kalo mau liat-liat booth itu dan tanpa diduga kaka gw ngasih 100ribu ke gw, katanya "nih, kalo ada yang mau dibeli"...hoho asik dah. daaaan, inilah barang-barang yang gw beli...

kalo ada yang mau info lebih lengkap, nih gw posting gambar+personality masing-masing karakter yang gw ambil langsung dari website-nya

She is a cheerful girl. She loves making friends that’s why she has lots of friends all over the world! Her favorite color is red. mmh...and she’s a fish lover!

He is a warm guy..(at least that’s what Oshino said to the other girls..XD). He is interested in making friends. And he always tries to be a good listener. His favorite color is light blue. He loves his mom a lot!

She is sensitive, she has a high empathy on others. She hopes that she can always help poeple who need her help. Her favorite color is pink.

Lively! that’s the first word out of my mind when talking about him. Next, he is very helpful. And then ... very gentleman (cowo’ bangettt..). His favorite color is blue.

She is a creative girl. She is (a little bit) childish and like any children: she’s imaginative, full of awesome imaginations. She loves comics and cookies. One of her dream is to be a chef. “I’ll cook for the world!!”, she always said. Her favorite color is orange.

She is a smart girl. She loves reading and writing. She is also good in analyzing things. Her self-assertive sets her to be someone who really knows exactly what she really wanna be: a journalist-be the first who finds the truth. she loves tosca color.

She is the most sounded girl on the earth, very talkative. She likes hang around with her friends, spends the time by talking and sharing the never ending stories and experiences in live and love. But anyway she is very entertaining, that’s why her friends are very happy to be around her. Her favorite color is yellow, “Like the sun, it’s my pleasure to shine the world with smile...” as Hisa always said in the end of her stories.

She is feminine. She is very interested in beauty. She is good in taking care of her beauty, for instance, she drinks mineral water much because she believes that it is good for her skin. She is an attractive girl (at least that’s what she always try to be). Her favorite color is violet.

Gokil is the word that represents Taro. Gokil in Indonesia language means someone who likes joking. Yup! making jokes is Taro’s daily activities that’s why he is almost never looked sad. Besides gokil, Taro is a hard worker and generous guy. His favorite color is green.

He is a wise guy. He does not speak too much except a valuable words. He only speaks when he thinks that it is needed. Although he does not speak too much, does not mean that he is a boring guy. His friends are often looking for him in time they have problems because Naoto is a good listener besides always gives good suggestions. His favorite color is black.

so far, karakter fave gw adalah Ayumi dan Kaori. kenapa? ayumi itu pinter masak. gw gak pinter-pinter banget sih dalam hal masak, tapi passion gw di masak-memasak sangat besar *halah. dan gw suka kaori karena olahraga favoritnya adalah bulutangkis.... haha iya karna hal itu doank gw langsung mengagumi dia. then, choose your fave character and buy them *gw gak dibayar berapapun ya sama purezento ^^


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g:
:h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n: :o: :p: :q: :r: :s: :t: :u: :v: :w: :x: :y: :z:

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